Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Feeling Disheartened?

Hello All!!

So I've been thinkin' on writing another blog for a couple of weeks, but truth be told, I couldn't think of what to write on?!?!

But then I decided I was just gunna let God speak through me as I'm writing this.
So here goes...

So to be completely honest, the past couple months have been some of the hardest I remember enduring. God has chosen at this time, to break me, for this to be the time for Him to draw me closer to him. And I'll be the first to point out that it's been hard. No denying that. But it has been a change for the better, and I'm praying that the effects have begun to ripple already :) One of the things that God has been encouraging me to do, is to read my bible daily. (Me and Daniel have been committing to read the same passages everyday)
And to be completely honest, sometimes I didn't feel like reading, because I'm either, really angry, or feeling sad. Even though I know that I can find comfort within those pages, I somehow find myself creating excuses to keep my bible in its case. Because of my anger or sadness, I've taken my negative energy out on innocent people.

So one night last week I was feeling disheartened, and I knew I needed to read from my bible. So I prayed, asking God to put in my heart something from his word that would brighten my spirits, and encourage me.

God showed me Job 1.
If you havn't read that book, let me enlighten you a bit.

Basically there is this man named Job. He's one of God's greatest followers (as said by God Himself.) One day Satan comes before God, and God boasts about Job to Satan. But Satan tells God that Job is only such a good follower because he has only had good in his life. But God has confidence in Job, that he will believe and follow him no matter what. So God says "Very well, then, everything he has is in your hands, but on the man himself do not lay a finger" Job 1:12Then Satan went from the presence of God.

After that Job ends up losing, almost everything in his life (and he had alot of stuff!) But what really gets me in this story is how Job ends up taking it at the end. This is how Job responds:
At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." Job 1:20-21

I don't know about you guys but that just blows me away! This guy loses, all his livestock, almost all of his servants, all his children... and he STILL praises God. I mean I have trouble praising him when I get a bad grade on something in school! I want faith like that!

The video below is a song I stumbled upon a while back, and it was brought back to my attention recently. And how fitting, it fits perfectly with what I'm trying to say here.

So as I promised in my last blog. I'm going to set you on a challenge! And here it is:

Challenge Part 1:
For the next week, when something bad happens (if it does) then try and be encouraged in the fact that God is amazing! And that you make God so happy when you praise him! Even if something doesn't go exactly as you've planned. 
Challenge Part 2:
Read Job 1, and Job 2. And continue to read something everyday. I'll check up on you next time. So don't let me be disappointed. :)

God Bless
Hailee <3

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