Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back again. With More fire ;)

Wow. Seems like I have been avoiding this thing... truth be told, I have.

Nothing to write would be a fairly good reason to do that, but I've realized that I should have something to write everyday. Even if it's only an encouraging word. So here I go.

On the 2nd of September, I moved into residence at Loyalist College in Belleville, and I'll be the first to say that I was scared out of my wits! I hated the idea of not being in a Christian living environment, with other believers.

So then recently it hit me... it's not the people around me that make the Christian, and God inspired environment, it's me. I'm the one who has to make it livable for me. I have to be the one to not be afraid to play my music, when I need to be encouraged, or to sit and read my bible when I need to.

Having recently realized this, I came to the decision that I am going to be the person God wants me to be.
Okay I know everyone says this, and we all try. But I am really going to try. When I'm lonely, I won't look to the worldly people, or the worldly temptations to make me not lonely. I will look to God, the great comforter. The one who knows exactly what loneliness in, and how He's going to help me.

I've recently had the pleasure of meeting a girl from my program, Kelly. Kelly had said that she had been to China, and me realizing most people don't go there for vacations asked why she had gone there.   "Mission trip" was the response.

Well praise God! There's a conversation starter! :D

From there on we small talked about our adventures, and told me about how she wanted to take this little girl home with her, and how a dollar could literally keep a child alive another day.
I shared that I had gone to New Jersey, and experienced some of the struggles of being homeless. Being given food that was given to just be life sustaining.

One small spark, and God gave way for the conversation to start flowing.

Makes me wonder, is she telling someone about me? Did I seem like the kind of person to have gone of Mission trips? Was I doing Christ justice?

Anyway, that's my Rant, rave, and time for now.
I think I've missed this, and will continue it.. so stay TUNED :)

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