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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Veggie Tales?

Okay so the title doesn't have anything to do with this post, other then the fact that I'm listening to them right now!

The past few weeks have been a super confusing time for me. Emotionally, I have been hurt, loved, and hurt again, and also hurt other people.
It's funny how the word Love can cause so much heartache. I think that if we truly loved the people we say we do, there would be a lot less hurt. We would find ways to try not to hurt them, I mean, my best friend; lets say I have to tell them something important, I'm obviously going to look for the way that I THINK will hurt them less. I think a lot of people these days say the important things in a less important way. Like over a text, or a email. We should NEVER be doing this. As much as it's convenient to be able to just 'tell' them right then, we should always be saying these important things to their faces. Where we can react to their facial expressions, offer hugs, or be able to explain ourselves.
I recently sent someone a fairly heartbreaking message (over text) and they read it at work. I didn't even think of the connotations that this would have. Reading this message in their car while they ended up crying.
Then they had to go to work for the rest of the day having this message on their mind. I mean, how selfish is this of me to put that kind of weight on them.

It's just so easy to do this type of thing these days, but we need to think about how we would feel receiving the messages we're sending.

I think what we need to do is write a LETTER a physical piece of paper, because if we know we'll want to say this later, we can re-read it to them, or we could give it to them in person, so you can both then talk about it. without the middleman of technology translating.
How many times have you mistaken what someone said because of the lack of emotion that people can give in a text message/email.

Thoughts over for the day !

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