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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Power of God's Love

Hey Guys,

So today is tuesday, and I suppose I don't have that much to say, but I wanted to put something up, especially since I have some extra time.

Have you ever had a moment in your life, when something has happened to a friend/loved one and you spent the next several hours worrying about that person?
I had that recently. A friend of mine had been drinking pretty heavily for the past few nights.. and they were not losing the 'buzz' you could say.  They had red under their eyes, so much so that it looked like they got punched, and it turned pinky red instead of black.
They asked me to meet them, before they went to the hospital. In seeing them in that condition, I nearly broke down right in front of them. It was the scariest moment of my life, seeing someone I care so much about in such a state, and not knowing what it was made it worse.
I offered to go with them, but they declined. As i sat in my room that day, doing not too much. Worry was all over my mind for this person. I even cried a while, thinking of what the problem could be, and hoping and praying they were going to be alright.

It was VERY hard for me to give my worries to God that day. I somehow felt I needed to keep it close to me, that worrying would help or something. Worrying most definitely did NOT help.

Anyway, they came home, and they came to see me. Turns out what they had was a genetic thing, and happens when they get sick, so there is nothing that the doctors or anyone can do about it.
Hearing them say they were okay was such a burden lifted off my shoulders. When i saw them i just wanted to run up to them, and hug them for forever. So glad they were okay.

It was definitely God through me feeling those things. God hates to see his Children suffer, and He used me to show this person that people care, but more importantly that God cares.

Anyway, that's enough for now.

with Love,

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