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Sunday, December 29, 2013

sooo I'm in Hawaii. No big deal.

Anyway, just coming  to the realization that I am incredibly blessed to have this opportunity.

Today we went to a church service in a church about a 5 minute walk from where we are staying. It was amazing. God was so present in that church, it was unbelievable. The singers were ones I could see being artists I hear on Klove (which they have on Maui fyi) It's just so amazing to be in a church where people praise God with all they have, and don't hold things back. They have no need to keep things in the same place, willing to change with the times, and grow their love of God with every step. They had Ipads to show them the lyrics!  Now that is a church that is embracing the times, and adapting them to encourage and allow God to infiltrate.

It was just so amazing to see people so on fire for God. It allowed me to embrace the fact that I know noone else there knows me, and that I can praise God and  not feel like I'm out of place for raising my hands in praise. Honestly there were so many people doing that, that I felt a little out of place NOT doing it.

Today was just an amazing day, and I thank God for the chance to see Himself at work in other places in the world :D!!

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