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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Another Random Rant based around past events.

So today was a normally boring day for me; I did my usual sleeping fairly late, watching tv, making little brackets and doing other random pointless things.
But today was also different then most, as I had an actual 'date.'  Well, I'm not sure if it was your conventional normal date.
See we've known each other for about 6 and a half years, which sounds like a lot, but for at least 3 we didn't communicate much.  Being busy with school, or work, or simply forgetting the great friendship we have.

Let me give some context.
Grade 10 was the year that we met and became friends.  (we'll call him Tom) I had met him when I started dating one of his friends.(boyfriend a) Looking back on it, the boyfriend was not a great boyfriend, he didn't really want a girlfriend. Though it was grade 10, so I can see most people not wanting to be serious with anyone at that age. Anyway, I started to become good friends with Tom, ending up talking to him about Boyfriend A and we bonded, and he became my best friend. Tom and another friend, we became inseparable. We called ourselves the 3 musketeers. I would go to Toms house and we would go on Xbox Live and play games with all the 'guys' in our group, including boyfriend A. Time passed, about 9 months, and me and Boyfriend A broke up. (I was dumped on the cold floor to be honest.) Our friends felt the need to 'take sides.' Me being the shining star, and amazing person I am, actually ended up 'stealing' (as some called it at the time) his friends. So I went on through grade 11 with friends who had chosen me, and I also had Tom. Tom had become a staple in my life. Time went on and we realized that Tom had feelings, I unfortunately did not reciprocate. He understood, and we kept our relationship as it had been. Grade 11 had been a year filled with times where I regret doing things to hurt him, though he never faltered. Still there with me.
Grade 12 had started as a great year, things were the same as before. Half way through, Tom introduces us to someone new, someone he had been friends with for a while. Boyfriend B is who he would become. I instantly had a crush on Bf B, and began to focus my attention on him. Tom and I drifted apart while I tried to get Bf B to ask me out. Months past, and eventually Bf B asked me out. The hardest part was telling Tom. I had always known how he felt, but I needed to tell him myself, for fear of him finding out from someone else.
The rest of the year me and Tom barely talked. When Grad came around it was hard to see him there. We didn't talk much at all, and It was okay on my end, I mean I had Bf B, I thought I didn't need Tom.
Fast forward about a year, and I had been dumped by Bf B. I was to go to school in the fall, and I would be living in residence. I had heard from someone that Tom was also going to be going to school there. So I messaged him, and made small talk.
When move in day came for school, we met up and it was so good too see him. He was using this year to meet new people, and step out of his comfort zone. I'm not sure if he played it cool seeing me on purpose, or if he wanted to distance himself from me, for fear of recent events replaying themselves. Either way, the year began. We would meet at the school pub once and while, and hangout a few times.
At some point during the year I realized that I was sad he wasn't in my life more. I asked him over to hangout, and I kissed him. He said he didn't want that for us, and surprisingly it was his turn to break my heart.

We stopped talking again for a while, we went for coffee sometime last year, and vowed to do it again, but hadn't.
Well about a week ago, we hung out, went out for a drink, and we both had a great time.

Long story short, in the end, we got to talking about our past, and how we were never in the right places at the right times to give 'us' a go. We decided that we were both in a place where we wanted to give it a try.

So here I am. Writing this after my first 'official' date with Tom. We went to dinner, and then went to a movie, and it was so relaxing, and just felt really great to spend that time with him.

There's a reason for everything, and I know the past 6 years have been leading to something. Now I just need to pray and try and figure out what it is.

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